Hey there – worker-bee

Welcome to my blog,

I’m so glad you’re here

My Story

I have spent 25 years (at the time of writing) working in the corporate sector.  I have experienced many different highs as well as lows.  I wanted to share my experiences, from the time I left varsity, and throughout my career.  I know I would have appreciated a big brother / big sister to tell me what it’s like when I started.

  • To encourage me in the right direction,
  • To warn me of some of the pitfalls,
  • To help me keep a proper perspective, and also
  • To be my sounding board.

This blog aims to do all of the above.

Role models

Many of us, myself included, did not have parents or other adults in our vicinity that had corporate jobs.  It is a somewhat different culture and a different way of doing things.  It can take a while to swim confidently in those unfamiliar waters.  This blog aims to be that place where we share and discuss our experiences.


Multinationals & Best Practices

The corporate sector is made up of mostly international businesses (multinationals) that have invested in our country.  Since they have opened up shop on our shores, they hire local staff to un their operations, i.e. you and me.  It is a very important sector in the economy, for the size of the investment is generally sizable.  The corporate sector makes a big dent in unemployment rates.

Because the companies are international, they generally have best practices across different fields, most notably HR practices,  Health & Safety.  This sector also generally pays better salaries, compared to local small businesses and the government sector.  For this reason, I do believe that the corporate sector is worth studying and doing well in.


The Profit motive

Corporates are driven by the profit motive.  It will only make sense for them to set up and grow in an area if they can make a profit.  That said, the culture that makes them thrive will differ somewhat, depending on the culture of the management team and the country where they do business.  It makes sense, therefore, that in South Africa, we will have our variant of the corporate culture that makes the business.  We might find the culture unpleasant and try to change it, but I do believe that we the current culture is the one that yields the most profit.  For the simple reason that the corporate sector has been working effectively for many years.   A complete overhaul may not bring as effective results as the tried and tested.  There must be something about the corporate culture that works to keep the companies competitive and growing.  Maybe keeping employees on their toes?


Back to Me & You


Why should we care if companies flourish and grow?  

  •  Corporates are the biggest employers outside of the government.  
  • They have best-practices in important areas of management, e.g. established grievance and disciplinary procedures to handle bad behavior when it creeps up.  
  • They pay good salaries, and
  • They also have CSI (Corporate Social Investment) initiatives that improve the environments in which they operate.


While the government is responsible for providing the regulatory framework to improve the ease of doing business.  It is you and I – the employees, who can make or break the business, once it sets up on our shores.


Take up space

With all that said, I hope you are interested in learning more about the nuances of the corporate culture, to take up space in it (as our very own Miss Universe, Zozi Tunzi, would say).  For our mutual benefit.  Both the companies and the employees benefit.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog.  I also hope that you will find the information and advice useful.  Do not forget to leave a comment on the blogs and share your own experiences.  I am interested to know how your experiences are simila or different.

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